The Early years goals are:
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
The children will do this through activities such as:
Making dens, using a variety of equipment to be something else.
Developing imagination and creativity to solve problems and pretend.
Explore sounds in the outdoor environment, making their own instruments.
Using all senses to explore the outdoor environment, surface textures, sounds, smells, following tracks.
Using the natural materials around us to create pictures, 3D pictures and sculptures.
Designing and constructing objects from natural materials using tools.
Large mark making experiences, using bikes/ footprints to paint on large paper.

Dance and large movement experiences - more space and freedom to move and be creative.
Acting out stories, such as the Bear Hunt.
Creating characters from books using natural materials and recreating scenes.
Singing songs around the camp fire.
Dance and yoga.
Using photography to capture images and creations and recording.
Using natural materials to create sculptures or 3D pictures.
Making and using musical instruments